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let me help you

I can review your strategy, processes and systems, train your team, or help with automation.

how I help

Areas of expertise


Organic Strategy

Development of organic traffic growth strategies, rooted in natural business evolution and sustainable content and topic expansion practices. I can help your organization grow through effective cross-platform SEO strategies, and enhance the core competencies of your SEO team.

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Data Intelligence Consulting

  • Offering expertise in developing effective reporting systems and analytical tools to interpret marketing and organic performance data
  • Advising on best practices for tracking key business metrics and managing data effectively for optimal use.
  • Providing advice into the application of data science techniques to solve complex business challenges and uncover new opportunities.
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Automation Consulting for SEO teams

Assisting in the integration of automation technologies to streamline business processes. Identify areas where automation can enhance productivity, reduce costs, and improve operational efficiency.

How i Work

Work Process



In this foundational stage, I engage with your team to gain a deep understanding of your specific challenges and objectives. For an Organic Strategy client, this might involve analyzing your current organic team structure, roadmap, and auditing your website. In Automation Consulting, I assess your existing processes to identify automation opportunities. For Data & Analytics Advisory, this step includes reviewing your current data management, reporting systems, and analytics practices.


Roadmap planning

Based on the initial assessment, I develop a customized strategy. For Organic Strategy, this involves creating a roadmap for organic growth and internal efficiency enhancement. In Automation Consulting, I design a plan to integrate automation technologies that streamline your operations. For Data & Analytics, this phase focuses on devising a comprehensive data strategy, encompassing everything from improved reporting systems to advanced data science applications.


Ongoing support

A plan is nothing without implementation.

The final, iterative phase is the practical implementation of the strategies. I will oversee all operations here, ensuring that nothings slips through the cracks, and can act as a fractional marketing director, as needed, for more complex projects.

I provide ongoing support and monitoring to ensure the strategies are effectively driving results, making adjustments as necessary to align with the ever-changing organic search and technology landscape.

Have Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

I run a small business on a small budget, can you help?

I offer free professional mentorship sessions on GrowthMentor. I’ve helped numerous small business owners with aspects of organic strategy like content strategy, topic clustering, keyword research, site set-up. I’ve also helped newly established consultants and agency owners with aspects like agency advertising, client acquisition, data strategy and process automation.

I need someone to help me with day-to-day running of SEO. Can you do that?

No. At the moment, I don’t have the capacity and availability to take on clients for full-service SEO (but I can recommend some great people that can!).

I am, however, onboarding clients for strategic advisory, which involves high-level consulting calls 2-4 times per month, auditing of processes and systems, identifying priority tasks, and collaborating with freelancers and SEO agencies. This service does not include tactical or implementation SEO work.

I love your dashboards and I wish mine looked like yours. Do you redesign dashboards or build dashboards for custom use-cases?

Yes. I can redesign a single, or a portfolio of dashboards, with a variety of data sources. I can design custom Looker Studio dashboards for client reporting, internal reporting and data analysis, and process improvement purposes.

How much do you charge?

My pricing is value-based, rather than hourly, hence – it differs based on the project and my degree of involvement in it. Once I get introduced to your need, I will provide a quote for us to go over.

I want to hire you as a fractional director – is this possible?

Yes. I can come on board on a temporary or contract basis, serving at a director-level in an established enterprise – ideally, SaaS or B2B.

Can I get an invoice for my purchase?

Yes, of course. My company is registered as an Ltd. in Bulgaria, part of the EU. I only work with registered organisations or licensed freelancers, issuing an invoice for every service and payment. I work with clients from all over the world.